Hongsun is an international multi-skilled solution provider providing digital enablement services to help customers harness digital technology and innovative services to deliver powerful business outcomes.
Our customers span industries and geographical regions; and our focus is to engage in the dynamics of our customers’ vertical markets; including financial services, TMT (telecommunications, media and technology), education, healthcare, retail, government, manufacturing and professional services, and apply the skills of our 150 employees in modernising key digital pillars; data centre and cloud services, security and network infrastructure, workspace communications and collaboration, data and information strategies, and IT operation modernisation.
WordPress日记主要承接WordPress主题定制开发、PSD转WordPress、WordPress仿站以及以WordPress为管理后端的小程序、APP,我们一直秉持“做一个项目,交一个朋友”的理念,希望您是我们下一个朋友。如果您有WordPress主题开发需求,可随时联系QQ:919985494 微信:18539976310